Current news
December 2024
Just before Christmas, Ian brought his mother Kay over to Frenchs Care Haven. They came by taxi from Colchester. Kay, who is 82 years old and has dementia, adores horses and ponies and spent half an hour with Jann feeding and stroking the animals.
Just before Christmas, Ian brought his mother Kay over to Frenchs Care Haven. They came by taxi from Colchester. Kay, who is 82 years old and has dementia, adores horses and ponies and spent half an hour with Jann feeding and stroking the animals.
November 2024
The Quiz night at the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh on November 23rd was a great success, with food by Tudor fish and chip shop, Hadleigh.
Thank you to everyone that came along. It was great fun
Thank you to everyone that came along. It was great fun
July 2024
We thoroughly enjoyed our recent open day. Thank you to all that came and supported us. Keep an eye out for our next open day, hope to see you again. Here are some of the photos we took.
We thoroughly enjoyed our recent open day. Thank you to all that came and supported us. Keep an eye out for our next open day, hope to see you again. Here are some of the photos we took.
May 2024
Our charity event Chilli night was so good thanks to The Fleece Hotel Boxford . Amazing food and full tums
Our charity event Chilli night was so good thanks to The Fleece Hotel Boxford . Amazing food and full tums
April 2024
Despite the wind and the rain, our dog walk was a huge success. All the money raised covered the food for all 17 of our horses, ponies and donkeys for a week! A massive thank you to The Fleece Hotel Boxford for the tea, coffee and amazing cakes!
Despite the wind and the rain, our dog walk was a huge success. All the money raised covered the food for all 17 of our horses, ponies and donkeys for a week! A massive thank you to The Fleece Hotel Boxford for the tea, coffee and amazing cakes!
March 2024
We really enjoyed our Easter Egg hunt today at the farm. Thank you to all that came up. It was so lovely to see all the children enjoying the outdoors and our animals loved all the attention. Here are some of the photos of the day.
We really enjoyed our Easter Egg hunt today at the farm. Thank you to all that came up. It was so lovely to see all the children enjoying the outdoors and our animals loved all the attention. Here are some of the photos of the day.

February 2024
Our great Speed-dating evening was enjoyed by all the ladies and gentlemen who came along.
There was lots of laughter and chatting and we had 10 matches by the end of the night.
French's will be organising another singles night soon, so keep an eye out on our website
and Facebook page for the date and venue. If you are single, be brave, come along, meet
other singles and enjoy yourself. There is no pressure, just a fun evening to be had.
December 2023
We held another very successful Christmas Raffle which made money for the Care Haven. Thanks to all who participated and to the individuals and businesses who donated prizes.
November 2023
We had a successful and enjoyable Quiz Night with a fish and chip supper in the Ansell Centre von Saturday November 18th.
Our great Speed-dating evening was enjoyed by all the ladies and gentlemen who came along.
There was lots of laughter and chatting and we had 10 matches by the end of the night.
French's will be organising another singles night soon, so keep an eye out on our website
and Facebook page for the date and venue. If you are single, be brave, come along, meet
other singles and enjoy yourself. There is no pressure, just a fun evening to be had.
December 2023
We held another very successful Christmas Raffle which made money for the Care Haven. Thanks to all who participated and to the individuals and businesses who donated prizes.
November 2023
We had a successful and enjoyable Quiz Night with a fish and chip supper in the Ansell Centre von Saturday November 18th.
October 2023
We enjoyed our curry night at the IV in High Street, Hadleigh on 26th October. Look out for further events like these. Everyone is welcome.
We enjoyed our curry night at the IV in High Street, Hadleigh on 26th October. Look out for further events like these. Everyone is welcome.
On September 9th we had a great barn dance in Boxford Village Hall
On September 9th we had a great barn dance in Boxford Village Hall
MAY / JUNE 2023
Our Open Day and BRQ was held on 17th June and attracted a good number of people interested to see our animals. The weather was fine for us and those who came enjoyed their visit.
Our Open Day and BRQ was held on 17th June and attracted a good number of people interested to see our animals. The weather was fine for us and those who came enjoyed their visit.
We had such a lovely afternoon for our dog walk yesterday (March 25th). Thank you to all the dogs who brought their humans along and supported our charity.
We had such a lovely afternoon for our dog walk yesterday (March 25th). Thank you to all the dogs who brought their humans along and supported our charity.
We had a very successful Quiz Night with fish and chip supper at The Ansell Community Centre in Hadleigh on October 22nd.
We had a very successful Quiz Night with fish and chip supper at The Ansell Community Centre in Hadleigh on October 22nd.
Due to the extreme heat in recent weeks, we are having to feed hay and haylage to our animals now, as there is no grass. As you can imagine, this is extremely expensive. To make matters worse, farmers will not be able to do a second cut this year as the drought has meant that no new grass is growing. Inevitably, this will lead to further shortages in the winter. Prices for hay and haylage will go through the roof - something which, as a small charity, we cannot afford. Below are two photos showing the effects of recent heat and lack of rain. ANY ADDITIONAL DONATIONS WILL BE VERY WELCOME.
Due to the extreme heat in recent weeks, we are having to feed hay and haylage to our animals now, as there is no grass. As you can imagine, this is extremely expensive. To make matters worse, farmers will not be able to do a second cut this year as the drought has meant that no new grass is growing. Inevitably, this will lead to further shortages in the winter. Prices for hay and haylage will go through the roof - something which, as a small charity, we cannot afford. Below are two photos showing the effects of recent heat and lack of rain. ANY ADDITIONAL DONATIONS WILL BE VERY WELCOME.
JULY 2022
Work/position available for one or two weekend mornings a week. If little or no experience, don't worry, training will be given. This is a great opportunity to become part of our small team and work with our beautiful animals. Reliability is essential. For more information please call Jann on: 07747755556
We are also looking for a volunteer handy man, who can spare us a morning a week to help with the upkeep and small jobs on the grounds along with repairs. Can you spare us a little of your time? I would really appreciate your help, if so please give me a call on: 07747755556
We had a stand at The Monks Eleigh Fete to let more locals know about the work we do.
Work/position available for one or two weekend mornings a week. If little or no experience, don't worry, training will be given. This is a great opportunity to become part of our small team and work with our beautiful animals. Reliability is essential. For more information please call Jann on: 07747755556
We are also looking for a volunteer handy man, who can spare us a morning a week to help with the upkeep and small jobs on the grounds along with repairs. Can you spare us a little of your time? I would really appreciate your help, if so please give me a call on: 07747755556
We had a stand at The Monks Eleigh Fete to let more locals know about the work we do.
JUNE 2022
Our open day was a great success. As you can see, people enjoyed meeting the animals.
Our open day was a great success. As you can see, people enjoyed meeting the animals.
APRIL 2022
To celebrate World Donkey Day, we are going to open our gate to the public on Saturday 7th May ! 10am - 1pm. If you can support us with either a one-off donation or a monthly donation, we can continue to make sure these guys stay healthy and happy in their later years. £5.00 will help towards their breakfast of much-loved donkey nuts for a week £10.00 will pay for 2 bales of hay that they go through each day £20.00 will help towards one to have foot care with the farrier, which they have every six weeks Every little helps to make the pot bigger. You can do that easily through: GoFundMe PAYPAL, BACS or CHEQUE, via this page on our website: |
January 2022
Can someone please help us with putting up our shed which is still sitting in its box under tarpaulin nearly 3 months after it was delivered. We need someone who knows what they are doing, or a company which can spare some hours in return for cakes, beer, wine, hugs, great publicity for their business.
Pick which you would like, just please come and help, this is a desperate woman calling out here.
Can someone please help us with putting up our shed which is still sitting in its box under tarpaulin nearly 3 months after it was delivered. We need someone who knows what they are doing, or a company which can spare some hours in return for cakes, beer, wine, hugs, great publicity for their business.
Pick which you would like, just please come and help, this is a desperate woman calling out here.
Ruby has been doing her Duke of Edinburgh Awards with us. She has enjoyed her time at French's and will come back and do her Silver award in the Autumn. You can see from the photos how busy she's been.
December 2021
Looking forward, we have a mass of good prizes for this Christmas raffle, from spa days, to golf days out for 4 people, so please share our Facebook page with anyone you know, as we need to sell 100 tickets.
These photos are of Lucy our therapy dog. The first photo is Lucy working at the farm in her winter overalls and in the second she is all clean and smart, ready to go out and visit some people who have loneliness and depression.
Looking forward, we have a mass of good prizes for this Christmas raffle, from spa days, to golf days out for 4 people, so please share our Facebook page with anyone you know, as we need to sell 100 tickets.
These photos are of Lucy our therapy dog. The first photo is Lucy working at the farm in her winter overalls and in the second she is all clean and smart, ready to go out and visit some people who have loneliness and depression.
November 2021
Our quiz night on November 20 in the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh we had over 100 people attend and everyone had an enjoyable evening - which is clear from the photos below. Thanks to everyone who attended. It's great to have such enthusiastic support - something which is essential to the future continuation of our Charity.
Our quiz night on November 20 in the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh we had over 100 people attend and everyone had an enjoyable evening - which is clear from the photos below. Thanks to everyone who attended. It's great to have such enthusiastic support - something which is essential to the future continuation of our Charity.

October 2021
A massive thank you to Stoke By Nayland Golf Club who did a raffle for us recently.
Here the Lady Captain of the club, Janet Hodge, came up to Frenchs to
present a cheque for £245 to Jann. What a lovely surprise.
A massive thank you to Stoke By Nayland Golf Club who did a raffle for us recently.
Here the Lady Captain of the club, Janet Hodge, came up to Frenchs to
present a cheque for £245 to Jann. What a lovely surprise.
September 2021
Our Open day on 25 September was a great success. Visitors could buy burgers, hot dogs and cakes as well as hot drinks. They also had a chance to meet and feed some of the animals. Thanks to everyone who helped make the day a success, especially Dr John Flather, who manned the barbecue.
Our Open day on 25 September was a great success. Visitors could buy burgers, hot dogs and cakes as well as hot drinks. They also had a chance to meet and feed some of the animals. Thanks to everyone who helped make the day a success, especially Dr John Flather, who manned the barbecue.

August 2021
We now have some wonderful volunteers, who on the 14th August came along
to help put the horses field shelter up for Bee and Boris. A big thank you goes
out to the main builders, Darren, David and Gareth, along with their helpers,
Sharon, Fin, Jackie, Debbie and Sonny.
We now have some wonderful volunteers, who on the 14th August came along
to help put the horses field shelter up for Bee and Boris. A big thank you goes
out to the main builders, Darren, David and Gareth, along with their helpers,
Sharon, Fin, Jackie, Debbie and Sonny.

July 2021
Boris has had a difficult time while out on loan, he enjoyed being ridden, but certain environments where he has stayed have caused him anxiety. So, he is now back with us for good, along with his companion Bee and they are both settling in well.
Boris has had a difficult time while out on loan, he enjoyed being ridden, but certain environments where he has stayed have caused him anxiety. So, he is now back with us for good, along with his companion Bee and they are both settling in well.

June 2021
Ali and Vanessa, who work in the One Stop Post Office in Claydon, raised £500 for our charity by dressing up every Monday. The local residents who came into the shop, donated the money.
Here Ali and Vanessa are dressed as Eye Eye Captain.
Thanks very much Ali and Vanessa
Ali and Vanessa, who work in the One Stop Post Office in Claydon, raised £500 for our charity by dressing up every Monday. The local residents who came into the shop, donated the money.
Here Ali and Vanessa are dressed as Eye Eye Captain.
Thanks very much Ali and Vanessa
May 2021
Two new arrivals came today, Chrystal is 32 years old and Lady is 20 years old. Both ponies came from a local animals rescue Sesaw, who through no fault of their own, can no longer keep them. The ponies will now become part of the French's family and will stay with us for the remainder of their lives. Lady and Christal have settled in well and are receiving lots of love and attention from us all here at French's. |

Thanks to our volunteer Sue sitting here with Lucy. Sue did a fund-raising month that she called
100 March, where she walked 100 miles in the month and raised over £500 for us.
And thank you to our new elderly volunteer Caroline, who comes in weekly to help and is making
a monthly donation. We need more people like Caroline as monthly donations are crucial for
French's to be able to continue the good work we do.
JOIN OUR 100 CLUB - email: [email protected]
New recuperation shelters
The new recuperation shelters are for two of our laminitics, Coco and Annie. We bought these with money donated from Pets at Home. We now have a shelter for each of the ponies that needed to be housed, to help their condition.
More thanks due
Thanks are due to Jeff, the owner of Turners Tool Hire in Sudbury, who has helped us with the loan of hole borer. Three of our volunteers did the work which would have been almost impossible without this hefty piece of equipment. BUT we did not have to pay. Thanks Jeff.
Thanks also to Horsemat Ltd for their kind donation of rubber matting, which has gone into our recuperation shelters.
Thanks also to Horsemat Ltd for their kind donation of rubber matting, which has gone into our recuperation shelters.
French's recent donations to other animal charities
French's Care Haven has been able to make donations to three other deserving animal charities in recent weeks:
• Guinea Town BSE
• Suffolk Prickles Hedgehog Rescue
• Suffolk Animal Rescue
Photos and messages of appreciation from the organisers of these three charities below
• Guinea Town BSE
• Suffolk Prickles Hedgehog Rescue
• Suffolk Animal Rescue
Photos and messages of appreciation from the organisers of these three charities below
Our first virtual raffle organised by Sharon and Emilie raised £500 for Frenchs. This paid for a hay bill. They put a "Hundred Squares" grid on our Facebook page so that supporters could choose and buy numbers. As you can see, all the numbers were taken. A great fund-raising success which will be repeated.
Our first virtual raffle organised by Sharon and Emilie raised £500 for Frenchs. This paid for a hay bill. They put a "Hundred Squares" grid on our Facebook page so that supporters could choose and buy numbers. As you can see, all the numbers were taken. A great fund-raising success which will be repeated.

The Pets at Home appeal has now ended. French's Care Haven thanks the organisation for their Christmas donation.
A huge "THANK YOU" to Gladwells Pet & Country Store for their donation of food and bedding.

And a huge "THANK YOU" also to Martlesham Pets at Home in Ipswich for having French's Care Haven as their charity of the year.
We received a donation from them this summer, and even though through the Covid restrictions, we have been unable to have a stand in store.
So, a massive thanks to you.
We received a donation from them this summer, and even though through the Covid restrictions, we have been unable to have a stand in store.
So, a massive thanks to you.
At last our recuperation shelter for sick animals is up and running.
Surviving but help still needed
The floods have now receded but it turns out that the virus was waiting in the wings to attack us next. Fortunately, our horses are not directly affected but we still need helpers to support Jann in the continuing task of improving the new premises for the horses. Also we desperately need to raise money for a recuperation shelter for any injured or unwell horses and donkeys which need special care - like Annie in the second photo.
So if you've had the virus and are now immune and can spare a few hours a week, why not give Jann a call to discuss possibilities. Alternatively help this brilliant project by contributing via the Go Fund Me - See the top of the page.
In the meantime here are some new photos from the farm. Hover over the photos to see the caption.
The floods have now receded but it turns out that the virus was waiting in the wings to attack us next. Fortunately, our horses are not directly affected but we still need helpers to support Jann in the continuing task of improving the new premises for the horses. Also we desperately need to raise money for a recuperation shelter for any injured or unwell horses and donkeys which need special care - like Annie in the second photo.
So if you've had the virus and are now immune and can spare a few hours a week, why not give Jann a call to discuss possibilities. Alternatively help this brilliant project by contributing via the Go Fund Me - See the top of the page.
In the meantime here are some new photos from the farm. Hover over the photos to see the caption.
The recent storms have adversely affect the new premises in Groton just as things were beginning to settle down and we were all looking forward to Spring. On Monday 17 February, the whole site was awash like a river about to burst its banks. The shelter in the first two photos had been blown over by Storm Ciara and a few days later the roof came off the same shelter courtesy of Storm Dennis. This damage to recently erected shelters means that the volunteers who have been helping Jann are having to stop their current work on improving the site in order to repair the storm damage. Of course. this all adds to the costs of establishing Frenchs Care Haven in Groton.
With the damages, fence building, buildings to buy and erect and a recuperation shelter needed for those sick or injured animals, there is still so much to do and we need your help and support. Please can you make a donation to our Go Fund Me page of this website.
Jann is still looking for extra practical help in the day-to-day running of the facility and caring for the horses and donkeys as well as a sponsor to come on board with us.
The recent storms have adversely affect the new premises in Groton just as things were beginning to settle down and we were all looking forward to Spring. On Monday 17 February, the whole site was awash like a river about to burst its banks. The shelter in the first two photos had been blown over by Storm Ciara and a few days later the roof came off the same shelter courtesy of Storm Dennis. This damage to recently erected shelters means that the volunteers who have been helping Jann are having to stop their current work on improving the site in order to repair the storm damage. Of course. this all adds to the costs of establishing Frenchs Care Haven in Groton.
With the damages, fence building, buildings to buy and erect and a recuperation shelter needed for those sick or injured animals, there is still so much to do and we need your help and support. Please can you make a donation to our Go Fund Me page of this website.
Jann is still looking for extra practical help in the day-to-day running of the facility and caring for the horses and donkeys as well as a sponsor to come on board with us.
The great news continues
Having put new shelters in place and repaired or replaced damaged fencing, we have now moved in to our new premises in Groton There is still a lot to do and items we need to buy, so our horses and donkeys are safe and living in a good environment for their well-being and happiness.
Please continue to support us, as we need your help along our journey. Every donation, sponsor and volunteer is very much appreciated.
Please continue to support us, as we need your help along our journey. Every donation, sponsor and volunteer is very much appreciated.
Following her extensive and determined publicity campaign since February 2018, Jann Turner has now been offered 26 acres of grazing land near to Kersey / Groton.
She hopes to move her horses and donkeys from their current location near Felixstowe to the new land before the winter sets in, but there is a lot of work to do before then: buying and putting up fencing, building shelters and stables for the animals and providing a water supply.
If you can help with practical work or funding, contact Jann HERE
She hopes to move her horses and donkeys from their current location near Felixstowe to the new land before the winter sets in, but there is a lot of work to do before then: buying and putting up fencing, building shelters and stables for the animals and providing a water supply.
If you can help with practical work or funding, contact Jann HERE