Bowen Therapy for our Horses, Ponies, Donkeys and other animals
Jann answers some frequently asked questions relating to the Bowen Technique.
Q. What is Bowen? A. The Bowen Technique originates from Australia and is now used world wide on people and animals. It is a non-invasive neuro-muscular treatment, which involves gentle finger, thumb and hand movements at key points in combination and sequences, over muscle and connective tissue. Bowen allows the body to increase circulation, detox, heal, release pain, muscle spasm and address skeletal imbalances. These moves are gentle and subtle and do not involve any manipulation. Q. Is the treatment painful? A. No, it is gentle but very effective, usually within 10 minutes the horse or person will start to relax and enjoy the treatment, often in the case of a horse, dropping the head and closing their eyes. Q. What problems can it help with horses? A. Tight muscles, back pain and discomfort, the top line of a horse, crookedness, lymphangitis, intermittent lameness, uneven muscle development-muscle wastage, behaviour problems, lack of performance, cold backed-bucking, change of temperament, difficulty in obtaining or maintaining condition, uneven gait, general stiffness or stiffness on one rein, resistance going forward or laterally, shortening of stride-not tracking up. Withers quivering, soreness and tension around withers or girth area. Tension in general. Q. Are the effects instantaneous? A. Yes, by the end of the treatment the muscular system would have already started to let down and changes in the horse can visibly start to occur. Below you can see before and after images of the effects of the Bowen Technique, along with good management. Q. What type of horse can be worked on? A. I work on every type of horse, my client’s horses range from child’s ponies to large shires and from race horses to International Show Jumpers and Event and Dressage horses. My treatments can improve performance on all shapes and sizes and of any discipline. Q. How long does the treatment take? A. For the first treatment, between 40-60 minutes, depending on the amount of problems found and how long the horse has been compensating. A second treatment is always necessary 7-10 days later. Q. Can I ride straight after a treatment? A. No, generally not. When giving a treatment you are setting the body into motion to clear and relax the muscles and depending on the degree of problems this can have subtle or dramatic effects on the horse. Either way you would not want to be asking questions of the horse in a work mode when their body is trying to detox, heal and balance itself. Firstly, it would not be fair on the horse and secondly, it could hinder the best results that I would be looking to obtain. Q. Is Bowen for people as well? A. Yes, from new born to the elderly. It can help, back, neck, hip, shoulder, joint and muscle pain. I have also worked with MS and stroke patients, helping to improve their quality of life. |
Derrick's story
I was called in to help Derrick the goat, as the owners were desperate for my help. Derrick was unwell and unable to stand or walk, he had no control over his legs at all, to the degree of not even being able to adjust his legs while lying down. Problems had affected his nervous system and there had been a breakdown in the communication to his limbs. Vets had visited him 8 days before and the owners were told it was touch and go if he would live. To try and help the owner had allowed one of his goat friends to visit him while he was laying sick, in hope it would give him encouragement to keep fighting to live.
When I arrived, Selina the owner took me to a stable where Derrick was being nursed. It was full of straw, he was laying down with bales around him with a heat lamp and a blanket over him. Selina was there with her daughter and they told me the two of them had to lift and hold Derrick up so that he could go to the toilet or change his position. Food and water were given by hand whilst he was laying, he was being helped 24/7. I ask them to lift him up in a standing position so that I could do some Bowen and healing on him. After I left Selina told me, his ears had been ice cold over the last 8 days and they had instantly gone warm to the tip after I had finished, she said he curled up in a ball and went into a relaxed sleep, this was the start of some big changes in Derrick. The following morning, they stood him up to change his position and he tried to charge past them to get out onto the yard with his goat friends. Selina said his legs went in every direction and he fell over a few times, but they helped him back up and stayed close by. I came back to help Derrick with another treatment and healing on the Bank holiday Monday afternoon, two days after my first visit, to find him happily walking around the yard with his goat friends. He was still a little shaky behind but he could get up, lie down and walk around unaided. Selina and her family were ecstatic and amazed at the speed of his recovery after my help. Selina said, I had performed a miracle on Derrick. |
Jann Turner has been a fully certified Human Bowen Therapist since 1998, and has great belief in how this technique can have such astonishing effects on the human body.
Jann has always had a great passion towards the care and management of horses, and believes that all horses should be given the best possible care. With vast theraputic knowledge and experience in the equestrian industry, Jann is pleased to offer The Bowen Technique to new clients. If you require any information, have any further questions concerning the Bowen Technique or would like to book a session for your horse, your dog - or indeed yourself, please do not hesitate to call or email Jann.
"Jann has treated my wife, Val and me for several years and her treatment always leaves us feeling relaxed and ache-free - unlike some better-known massage therapies we've had in the past which have done us more harm than good. It is important for us both that the therapy we have is gentle - and this is certainly true of Bowen therapy from Jann." Simon Haines
Jann has always had a great passion towards the care and management of horses, and believes that all horses should be given the best possible care. With vast theraputic knowledge and experience in the equestrian industry, Jann is pleased to offer The Bowen Technique to new clients. If you require any information, have any further questions concerning the Bowen Technique or would like to book a session for your horse, your dog - or indeed yourself, please do not hesitate to call or email Jann.
"Jann has treated my wife, Val and me for several years and her treatment always leaves us feeling relaxed and ache-free - unlike some better-known massage therapies we've had in the past which have done us more harm than good. It is important for us both that the therapy we have is gentle - and this is certainly true of Bowen therapy from Jann." Simon Haines